Your fingernails and toenails contain a certain amount of skin that is highly susceptible to fungi. It is best to wear light cotton and stockings as these allow your skin to breathe. The fungus can feed on this skin and cause an infection.

Toenail fungus can lead to discoloration or bitter-looking nails. Toenail fungus can cause an unsightly and unpleasant appearance of the nails. It can also lead to serious infections that can spread and become painful. infected toenails will also be much more brittle than normal.

Diabetics or overactive thyroid must be vigilant to watch for signs of nail fungus. If you find onychomycosis in your fingernails, hands, or feet you will need to seek treatment. Many structures contain pockets of fungi that can lead to fungal infections.

Some common structures that contain these pockets are the cell walls of Doctors’ offices, swimming pools, and locker rooms. If you have athlete’s foot, look for the presence of athlete’s foot ointment on the bottom of your feet. Tinea capitis is another common fungal infection in the scalp and is affecting over 80% of African-Americans.

Women who are active a lot outdoors or who work in hot and humid areas have an increased risk of developing tinea capitis.

How can you tell if you have tinea capitis?

Symptoms of tinea capitis include brittle and easily cracked nails, dull and flaky skin, and inflamed lesions on the fingers. Treatment can be tricky because many antifungal products are designed to treat and limit the symptoms of fungal infections. Though you may be able to treat the symptoms, treating the infection often requires delving deep into the nail bed to kill the fungi.

Doctors often recommend a potent antifungal medication that is applied topically and often times and twice daily. For the most severe cases of infection, hospitalization may be needed and antifungal medication may also be taken to survive the nail fungus. It is also important to know that potent meds can cause side effects which can cause liver and other major side effects.

Though popular, over-the-counter antifungal creams are not considered to be the miracle cure for nail fungus. Many people also mistake the use of antifungal cream for nail fungus home remedies. Home remedies may not be considered effective but Guinotae, salicylic acid, and tea tree oil are some of the most effective home remedies for fungal infections.

To use these home remedies, tea tree oil is spread over the area with the infection and a bandage is applied twice daily. Tea tree oil can be considered effective in treating toenail fungus when applied twice daily.

Washing your feet or hands frequently to prevent them from touching the infected area is also recommended. If you are unsure about whether or not you have an infection, you can seek guidance from your healthcare professional.

Remember to never share personal items such as clothing, towels, or toweling materials such as soap, towels, and washcloths. Your favorite shoes can also be problematic to you if you suspect that you have nail fungus. When wearing shoes, choose cotton outlets as they allow air circulation.

Lastly, a lucky few may discover that they have an extra pair of pedicure shoes in their wardrobe. If you are not one of the lucky ones who possess this save, then simply visit a sneaker shop in a store that suits your selection.

When your nail fungus is causing you trouble, it may be time to stop digressing and eliminate your problem. A positive attitude is necessary if you wish to get rid of the problem. You may also want to sign up for one free nail fungus remedial program.